Friday, March 28, 2014

Dear Parents of 4th Graders,

Today we learned about the Respiratory System and the effects of Tobacco and Smoking on our lungs and bodies. The students learned that there are more than 4000 chemicals and over 60 carcinogens in tobacco.
We looked at healthy lungs and compared them to a smokers lungs. We saw the effects that smoking can have on our lungs. We learned about the cost of smoking, not only monetarily but on our lives. We also talked about the effects of second hand smoking.
We talked about making Healthy Life Choices and what those choices may look like. We talked about 'life giving choices' and that some times this may mean not following or joining in with our friends. The students were given an opportunity to make an informed decision never to try tobacco products.

Feel free to call with any questions.  I really enjoyed being in the classroom with your students!


Nurse Kristen

Friday, March 7, 2014

Welcome Back from Winter Break!

I hope you all had a relaxing and fun holiday with family and friends. Vacations are a great time to share fun times but also an opportune time to share lice. Most cases of lice are spread during summer, winter and holiday breaks. It is highly recommended to check your students head for lice every couple of weeks throughout the year and especially after school breaks. Please refer to the Health Office Blog Lice page for further information. Lice are always in the community. Regular head checks at home are the best way to catch lice early. Remember to avoid head to head contact, sharing of combs, brushes, hats and bed pillows to minimize exposure to lice. 

March is still a time for colds, flu and stomach bugs. Washing your hands and keeping your hands away from your face are your best defenses against getting sick! 

Keep germs from spreading, wash your hands often and well. 
Proper hand washing: 
1 Use warm water. 
2 Moisten hands/apply soap. 
3 Rub hands together for 20 seconds. 
4 Rinse thoroughly. 
5 Dry hands. 
**From the Vermont Dept. of Health. See poster @

Nurse Kristen